Support Herzog College

Torah study at Herzog College continues with this summer’s Yemei Iyun b’Tanakh 5784 taking place in spite of – and because of – the current security situation in Israel.

Should an army besiege me,
my heart would have no fear;
If a war arise against me,
in this, I trust.
   (Tehillim 27:3)

Your continued support enables us to boldly confront the significant challenges we face. Over the past year, we managed several schools for evacuees, supported students and families of fallen soldiers and reservists, and navigated the difficulties of war.

This year, we have also developed unique Bible study programs for the Diaspora as part of the Bible project in Spanish, English, and French, strengthening Jewish identity abroad. As always, we strive to provide advanced content and diverse programs that appeal to a wide audience, offering our students rich, innovative programs at the highest professional level.

The Yemei Iyun b’Tanakh program offers opportunities to dedicate a shiur – in honor or memory of a loved one.




SPONSOR 3 SHIURIM at the Yemei Iyun b’Tanakh
Also includes 6 complimentary tickets to the on-site shiurim, and full access to all online shiurim

SPONSOR A SHIUR at the Yemei Iyun b’Tanakh
Includes 4 complimentary tickets to the on-site shiurim, full access to all online shiurim

SPONSOR a Parsha

Includes 2 complimentary tickets to the on-site shiurim, full access to all online shiurim


(12,000 NIS)


(6,000 NIS)


(2,600 NIS)





Dedicate a WEEKLY DVAR TORAH from Herzog President Rabbi Dr. Yehuda Brandes

Also includes access to this year’s online Yemei Iyun shiurim

Your support helps Herzog College

provide online Tanakh resources to a wider audience

Your support helps Herzog College

expand its scope and resources


(1,300 NIS)


(360 NIS)


(180 NIS)

This year, you can donate to a scholarship fund
for soldiers or support students whose spouses are serving in the IDF

Any amount you donate helps Herzog College continue to support the next generation of educators and teachers,
and promotes the study and dissemination of Tanakh!

Donors will be contacted to arrange sponsorship details, with priority of choice given to those who respond first.

If you prefer to donate via your donor advised fund, send a check, or make a donation in another currency, please email for details.

All donations are tax-deductible.

For all credit card donations (Except Diners) | Alt. Donation Options | Contact Us

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